About The Anticipation designer
Prof. Dr. Ingo Rollwagen is an expert on anticipation, strategic foresight, time and innovation, and the design and management of knowledge-based, creative and disruptive innovation.
He is a professor for Management in creative and knowledge industries at the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences. He worked as an expert for Corporate Foresight, Technology and Education, for Deutsche Bank Research and for DaimlerChrysler’s Society and Technology Research Group in Berlin for several years. He currently serves as a member of the Fraunhofer Academy advisory committee and for institutions like the European Commission concerning technology management (education and learning).
At present, his main interests are the project-based design economy (the dynamics shaping the future industrial value creation) and the future societal patterns. He is currently researching fast-tracking innovation, time and innovation, algorithmic acceleration, as well as determining how to ethically, responsibly and sustainably design algorithmic and artificial intelligence based innovation.
His doctoral thesis is „Time and innovation – the synchronisation of science, economy and politics in the emergence of VR/immersion technologies“.

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